Install LibreOffice in Linux

6:59 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Installing LibreOffice - the free office suite

Most of the Linux don't have any office pre-installed on them. LibreOffice is the best office for Linux platform which supports a wide range of formats including formats of Microsoft Office.
LibreOffice is free and OpenSource. It provides a better-quality, high-reliability and security that gives you greater flexibility at zero cost. Beyond this, the driving factor behind the community is personal choice and transparency, which translates practically into wider compatibility, more utility and no end-user lock-in to using just one product.

Step 1 : Download the package
The package can be easily found on its official website :
Download LibreOffice

Package name : LibreOffice_4.0.2_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz

Step 2 : Extract tarball

tar zxvf LibreOffice_4.0.2_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz

you can also use other GUI based softwares to extract it.

Step 3 : Install .deb files
Change directory to LibreOffice_4.0.2_Linux_x86_deb/DBES. You will see many .deb packages. 
cd LibreOffice_4.0.2_Linux_x86_deb/DBES

Install all .deb packages
dpkg -i *.deb

Now, there will another folder inside DBES folder. Change directory to that folder and install the .deb package inside it.
dpkg -i *.deb

Wait for the installtion to get finished.

Step 4 : Test
Finally, under Office menu, the list of all LibreOffice tools will be appear.

Thank you :)